HED welcomes incoming Senior Interior Designer.

Meet Mike Lee- the newest edition to the HED team.

Name: Mike Lee

Hometown: Seattle, WA

Background: BA Architecture University of Cincinnati, MFA Interior Design Parsons School of Design, 8 years ( NYC) & 2 years (Seattle) professional experience in hospitality/residential design.

Q: What is your role at Hyde Evans Design?

A: Senior Interior Designer

Q: What are your everyday responsibilities when working on a project?

A: Furniture and material selections, drawing and presentation preparation, and coordination with various consultants. 

Q: What was the first space that made a memorable impact on you?

A: St. Henry’s Ecumenical Chapel in Turku, Finland. I tend to be heavily emotionally impacted by the chapels and “death architecture” of Scandinavia.

Q: What are your design influences?

A: Art history, nature, and film.

 Q: Having spent time on the West Coast- how does New York differ from Seattle when it comes to design?

A: New York is far more fast paced, Seattle is a bit more laid back. 

Q: What has been your career highlight to date? What do you still dream to achieve?  

A: Highlight- working with the top chefs in NYC to create beautiful spaces that compliment their art form. Dream- to contribute to Seattle being seen more as a design capital.

Q: What is the best interior design lesson you have learned throughout your career?

A: Maintain open lines of communication and always try to be patient and flexible.

Q: What is the most treasured item in your own home? Why? 

A: My new puppy, Potato. He’s a big ball of energy and joy.

When I’m not designing you’ll find me; baking, running, or out in the wilderness.

When in New York my go to spots are; Maison Premiere, Prospect Park, and any/all of the museums.

 When in Seattle my go to spots are; Kedai Makan, the mountains, and Myrtle Edwards Park.
